Rooted Pleasure
International Certified Sexological Bodyworker, intimacy & breathwork coach
for couples, women, and femmes,
in Portland, Oregon & Online
Guiding you to safely embody your
transformative pleasure and fullest expression!
Are you ready to have pleasurable,
nourishing and hot sex?
but does this sound like you
right now?...
You are a woman, femme or a couple who is struggling to feel connected in sex and intimacy. You don't know what turns you on anymore, you've lost your voice and confidence, you feel dissatisfied with the sex you are having,
or you can't even feel pleasure.
It's exhausting, disheartening and you feel you are too broken
or stuck in your ways to see a meaningful change.
Oof, it sounds tough.
And here is the great news, there is nothing wrong with you,
and you are in the right place!
Together, let's co-create a sex life for you that is nourishing, pleasurable and hot,
a sex life that's worth wanting!
Welcome, I'm so glad you are here!
My name is Emerald May (she/her).
I am an international Certified Sexological Bodyworker, intimacy & breathwork coach. My passion and mission is to guide and support mostly women, femmes and parents to live a more authentic, connected and pleasure-filled life, whilst raising the next generation. I serve as a board member for the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers, and am devoted to the promotion, support, development and accountability of the profession of Certified Sexological Bodywork® and Somatic Sex Education.
I am currently training with School Breathe to become a breath coach for children. More details coming soon!

I weave Somatic Sex Education, Sexological Bodywork & Breathwork Coaching to support you with:
Mind-Body Connection
Feeling disconnected from yourself and your pleasure.
Not knowing what turns you on anymore.
Wanting to have a more satisfying sex life.
Questioning your desires or sexuality.
Recovering from sexual or relational trauma.
Body Image.
Low Libido.
Heart and head disconnect.
Relationship Dynamics
Stop avoiding intimacy with your partner.
Feeling put upon, obligated to have sex, or finding yourself saying yes to too much.
Mis-matched desire in your relationship.
Wanting to open your relationship.
Being stuck in a rut or bad habits.
Dissatisfying intimacy.
Exploring intimacy after a life change.
Wanting a new relationship.
Physical Challenges
Experiencing genital or pelvic pain.
Scar Tissue from surgery or childbirth.
Feeling numb or disassociating when being intimate or having sex.
Inability to feel pleasure, orgasm, or maintain an erection.
Destigmatising STIs.
Feelings around having recurrent UTIs, thrush, BV, outbreaks.
Knowing how to ask for what you want.
Feeling shame or embarrassment thinking or talking about sex.
Wanting to have sex “like we used to.”
Feeling bored with the sex you’re having.
Knowing the sex you are having could be better but not knowing how to improve it.
Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of trying to feel sexy or in the mood.